
About this product

The Toyota Clip (#90467-09008-05), a body part found in the Package Tray Panel & Luggage Compartment Mat system, plays a crucial role in securing and maintaining the position of various components within the vehicle. As your vehicle moves, the Clip (#90467-09008-05) holds these parts firmly in place, preventing them from shifting or falling, enhancing the safety and efficiency of the system it is in. However, over time, this Clip (#90467-09008-05) can become worn or damaged, reducing its holding power and effectiveness, which could lead to loose parts within your vehicle. This makes it necessary to replace it periodically to prevent potential damage or disruption to your vehicle's system. Using genuine Toyota parts guarantees compatibility with your vehicle and is supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This Clip (#90467-09008-05)'s important role in maintaining the stability of the Package Tray Panel & Luggage Compartment Mat system greatly enhances the overall safety and operational efficiency of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90467-09008-05

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