Door Glass Weatherstrip Clip

About this product

The Toyota Door Glass Weatherstrip Clip (#68211-12130), an essential component in the Side Moulding system, holds the weatherstrip in place, acting as a barrier between the door glass and the vehicle body. This clip aids in preventing water, dust, and noise from entering the car. It's made up of durable materials, designed to withstand harsh weather conditions. However, over time, the clip can wear out or break, causing the weatherstrip to loosen or disengage. If not replaced, this could lead to water seepage during rains or excessive road noise, impacting the comfort and safety of passengers. Using a genuine Door Glass Weatherstrip Clip (#68211-12130) from Toyota helps maintain vehicle compatibility and comes with the assurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This small part enhances the overall safety and efficiency of your vehicle by keeping the interior space sealed and protected from external elements.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 68211-02040;68211-02050
Part Number 68211-12130

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