Door Trim Upper Retainer Clip #1

About this product

The Door Trim Upper Retainer Clip #1 (#67773-07020), a vital component of Toyota's Body Armrest & Visor, Front Door Panel & Glass, Instrument Panel & Glove Compartment, Rear Door Panel & Glass, and Rear Seat & Seat Track systems, plays a crucial role in maintaining the integrity and functionality of these systems. This small yet essential part helps secure the door trims, ensuring they remain firmly in place while the vehicle is in motion. Over time, Door Trim Upper Retainer Clip #1 (#67773-07020)s can wear out or break, which can result in a loose or rattling door trim, affecting the vehicle's interior aesthetics and potentially leading to further damage. Therefore, periodic replacement of this part is highly recommended. Remember, only genuine Toyota parts are advised for replacements as they offer full compatibility with your vehicle, along with backing of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Door Trim Upper Retainer Clip #1 (#67773-07020) is a valuable part of the vehicle's assembly, contributing significantly to the operational efficiency, safety, and overall driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 67773-02020
Part Number 67773-07020

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