Door Weatherstrip Clip

About this product

The Door Weatherstrip Clip (#67869-26050), a vital component in Toyota's Body Front Door Panel & Glass and Body Rear Door Panel & Glass systems, plays an essential role in securing the weatherstrip to the vehicle's door. It works by securely clamping onto the weatherstrip, holding it firmly in place to prevent air and water from entering the vehicle. Over time, these clips may become worn or damaged and need replacement. If left unchecked, a compromised clip could lead to the weatherstrip loosening, which consequently might allow external elements to infiltrate your car, potentially damaging internal mechanisms. Using genuine Toyota parts for replacements, such as the Door Weatherstrip Clip (#67869-26050), not only assures compatibility with your vehicle but also comes with the benefit of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In essence, the Door Weatherstrip Clip (#67869-26050) contributes to the overall efficiency and safety of your Toyota by providing a watertight seal and maintaining a comfortable, controlled environment within your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 67869-26050

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