Door Weatherstrip Clip

About this product

The Door Weatherstrip Clip (#67869-32020) is a crucial auto part that enhances the operation of Toyota's Body Front Door Panel & Glass, Body Inside Trim Board & Door Opening Trim Moulding, and Body Rear Door Panel & Glass systems. The primary role of this clip is to secure the door weatherstripping, which helps in preventing water, wind, and other elements from entering the vehicle. Moreover, the clip assists in maintaining the integrity of the vehicle's interior temperature. Importantly, this clip requires periodic replacement. As it ages, it may lose its strength, causing the weatherstripping to loosen and permit elements inside. This can lead to undue wear and tear on the interior, reducing the lifespan of the vehicle. Genuine Toyota parts, like the Door Weatherstrip Clip (#67869-32020), are recommended for their compatibility with the vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The proper functioning and timely replacement of the Door Weatherstrip Clip (#67869-32020) significantly enhance the vehicle's overall efficiency by maintaining optimal interior conditions, hence ensuring the safety and comfort of all occupants.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 67869-32020

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