Hose Clip

About this product

The Hose Clip (#96136-42201), a crucial part of several systems like the Engine-Fuel Engine Oil Cooler, Radiator & Water Outlet, Vacuum Piping, and Ventilation Hose systems, plays a pivotal role in keeping hoses firmly attached. It operates by exerting balanced pressure around the hose, facilitating secure connections within the system to keep liquids and gases flowing smoothly. Old or malfunctioning Hose Clip (#96136-42201)s can lead to hose slippage or leakage, potentially causing system malfunction or damage. Therefore, periodic replacement is highly recommended. Authentic Toyota Hose Clip (#96136-42201)s not only provide superior compatibility with your vehicle but are also supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In essence, using a well-functioning Hose Clip (#96136-42201) contributes significantly to the overall system integrity and efficiency, ensuring your vehicle operates safely and smoothly.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 96136-42201

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