Outside Molding Clip #1

About this product

The Outside Molding Clip #1 (#75395-04010), a critical component in Toyota’s Body Moulding system, serves a primary role in fastening and securing the vehicle's exterior trim. It performs its function by firmly holding the panels and moldings, ensuring they are tightly attached to the vehicle's body and remain in place during operation. When this part becomes old or broken, the vehicle's trim may lose its stability or even detach, affecting the aesthetic appeal and potentially the aerodynamics of the vehicle. Genuine Outside Molding Clip #1 (#75395-04010)s from Toyota not only provide an ideal fit for your vehicle but are also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Ultimately, the Outside Molding Clip #1 (#75395-04010) contributes to the overall efficiency of the vehicle by maintaining the secure positioning of exterior trim parts, providing an aerodynamically efficient and visually appealing automobile.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 75395-04010

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