Rocker Panel Molding Clip

About this product

The Rocker Panel Molding Clip (#75867-20020) is a crucial component in both the Body Moulding and Body Side Moulding systems of Toyota vehicles. The clip secures the rocker panel molding in place, preventing it from becoming dislodged or misaligned during vehicle operation. The molding clip's function is essential as it absorbs and distributes the impact force, thereby contributing to the vehicle's safety and structural integrity. Over time, molding clips may wear out, become broken, or lose their grasp, increasing the risk of the molding coming loose. Replacing these as part of regular vehicle maintenance is crucial. Genuine Toyota parts, including the Rocker Panel Molding Clip (#75867-20020), offer compatibility with your vehicle and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Investing in such a component is not only a safeguard for the vehicle's overall efficiency but also a vital contribution to its safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 75867-20020

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