Seat Back Board Clip

About this product

The Seat Back Board Clip (#71769-60010-B0), a crucial component in the Seat & Seat Track system, plays a fundamental role in vehicle safety. This clip is designated to secure the seat back board in position, contributing to the overall stability and security of the car seat. When this clip is in good working order, it aids in maintaining the proper alignment of the seat, thereby enhancing the comfort of the driver and passengers. Over time, this part may become worn or damaged, resulting in a loose or improperly aligned seat back. This could compromise both comfort and safety. By using genuine Toyota parts like the Seat Back Board Clip (#71769-60010-B0), you're supporting the compatibility of your vehicle, as these parts are designed to fit perfectly into Toyota models. What's more, Toyota backs their genuine parts with a parts warranty. In conclusion, the Seat Back Board Clip (#71769-60010-B0) is a small but vital component that promotes both the efficiency and safety of your vehicle's Seat & Seat Track system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 71769-60010-E0
Part Number 71769-60010-B0
Color Name Md.Moon Mist

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