1 Way Clutch Assembly

About this product

The 1 Way Clutch Assembly (#35790-47020), a key Drive-Chassis component in Toyota's Transaxle Assy (Hv Or Ev Or Fcv) system, is instrumental in power transmission. Its primary role is to allow rotation in one direction while restricting it in the opposite direction, maintaining smooth shifts and assisting in vehicle handling. This functionality relies on various components including springs and rollers. Over time, the wear and tear on these components can degrade the assembly’s performance. Ride quality deteriorates, and if left unchecked, this could result in impaired vehicle control. By using genuine Toyota parts, you benefit from perfect compatibility for your vehicle, and these parts are covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Moreover, periodic replacement of the 1 Way Clutch Assembly (#35790-47020) is fundamental to the overall safety and efficiency of the vehicle’s transmission system. Regular replacement ensures consistent and efficient vehicle operation.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 35790-47020

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