
About this product

The Collar (#90389-10053), a Drive-Chassis component in Toyota's Rear Disc Brake Caliper & Dust Cover system, is an integral auto part that plays a significant role in the overall function of the braking system. Its primary role is to ensure the secure and correct positioning of the brake caliper, facilitating smooth operation during braking. This component is also part of the system that helps dissipate heat, which is an important function as brakes can become extremely hot during operation. Over time, the Collar (#90389-10053) may suffer from wear and tear or become clogged. If not replaced promptly, this could lead to impaired functionality of the brake system, potentially compromising the vehicle's safety. Genuine Toyota parts such as the Collar (#90389-10053) are designed to be fully compatible with your vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Replacing the Collar (#90389-10053) periodically not only contributes to the efficiency of your brake system but also enhances the overall safety of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 90389-10045
Part Number 90389-10053

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