Compressor with Clutch Remanufactured Mr2

About this product

The Compressor with Clutch Remanufactured Mr2 (#88310-17130-84) is a pivotal part of the Electrical components within the Heating & Air Conditioning - Compressor system in Toyota vehicles. This part's primary function is to pump refrigerant throughout the AC system, keeping the car's interior cool during operation. Its operational efficiency is ensured through the clutch mechanism, which starts or stops the compressor as needed. Over time, these parts may degrade or become clogged, which could severely impact the performance of the AC system, leading to inadequate cooling or even causing severe damage to the entire system. Hence, periodic replacement is recommended. Genuine Toyota parts, such as this, are designed for optimal compatibility with your vehicle, and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. With its critical role in air conditioning, this compressor contributes significantly to the comfort and overall driving experience in your Toyota.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 88310-17130-84

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