Light Control Computer

About this product

The Light Control Computer (#85967-07010), a significant electrical part in the Headlamp system, is designed to manage the vehicle's lighting functionality. This Toyota Autoparts component communicates with sensors, switches, and other components to control the lighting, maintaining optimal visibility and safety on the road. With time and use, the Light Control Computer (#85967-07010) can age and malfunction, affecting the vehicle's lights. If broken, the lights may not function as they should, putting the vehicle's safety at risk. This necessitates its periodic replacement with a genuine Toyota part, ensuring compatibility, and backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, a well-functioning Light Control Computer (#85967-07010) contributes to the overall efficiency of the lighting system, enhancing safety, and ensuring a smooth driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 85967-41010
Part Number 85967-07010

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