Shift Lock Control Computer

About this product

The Shift Lock Control Computer (#85933-13040), a critical Drive-Chassis part, serves a pivotal role in the Shift Lever & Retainer system of a Toyota vehicle. It oversees the locking and unlocking of the shift lever, ensuring that the automobile only shifts gears when the brake pedal is engaged, enhancing vehicle safety. Components involved in this operation include a solenoid, which the computer activates or deactivates based on the brake pedal's status. As this part ages, it may malfunction, leading to potential inability to shift gears, compromising the driving experience, and risking safety. Regular replacements with genuine Toyota parts aid compatibility and offer the reliability that comes with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. A well-functioning Shift Lock Control Computer (#85933-13040) contributes significantly to seamless gear shifting, thereby maximising driving efficiency and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 85933-13040

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