Steering Vibration & Heater Computer

About this product

The Toyota Steering Vibration & Heater Computer (#864A1-50030), a critical component in both the Drive-Chassis Steering Wheel and Interior Styling Steering Wheel systems, plays a pivotal role in enhancing vehicle control and cabin comfort. This auto part continuously monitors and adjusts steering wheel vibrations, ensuring smoother driving experiences, and regulates the heater operation for optimal cabin temperature. As this part ages or becomes clogged, steering performance may deteriorate, leading to potential safety issues, and the heating system could lose efficiency, reducing passenger comfort. Consequently, periodic replacement is essential, particularly with genuine Toyota parts, which offer superior vehicle compatibility. These authentic parts are also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, providing peace of mind. In summary, the Steering Vibration & Heater Computer (#864A1-50030) significantly contributes to vehicle safety and comfort, making it an indispensable component in Toyota vehicles.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 864A1-50030

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