Condenser Assembly with Receiver

About this product

The Condenser Assembly with Receiver (#88450-12231), a crucial Electrical part in the Heating & Air Conditioning - Cooler Piping system, plays an essential role in your Toyota's cooling process. As the refrigerant gas in your vehicle's system cools and condenses, this part changes it back into a high-pressure liquid, ensuring the air conditioning system maintains optimal performance. However, this element doesn't last forever and requires periodic replacement. Neglecting to replace this component could lead to it becoming clogged or non-functional, potentially causing a decrease in your vehicle's air conditioning efficiency or even damaging the system. By using genuine Toyota parts, like the Condenser Assembly with Receiver (#88450-12231), compatibility with your vehicle is seamless. Plus, each authentic part is supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In the long run, this part's proper function contributes significantly to your vehicle's overall efficiency and safety in managing its cooling process.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 88450-12230
Part Number 88450-12231

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