Connector Tb

About this product

The Connector Tb (#SU003-01203), a vital Engine-Fuel part in the Air Cleaner system, plays a principal role in managing the fuel flow within the vehicle's engine. As the engine operates, this connector ensures fuel consistency, contributing to the system's optimal performance. Genuine Toyota parts like the Connector Tb (#SU003-01203) are critical for vehicle compatibility and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, providing an assurance of quality and longevity. Over time, the Connector Tb (#SU003-01203) may age, become clogged or break, affecting its performance. If malfunctioning, this could cause irregularities in the fuel flow, potentially compromising the engine's efficiency and safety. Hence, periodic replacement is imperative to maintain the vehicle's efficiency and safeguard the engine's condition. In conclusion, the Connector Tb (#SU003-01203) significantly contributes to the Air Cleaner system's overall efficiency by maintaining a consistent fuel flow, thus ensuring the integrity and safety of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-01203

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