Water Hose Connector

About this product

The Water Hose Connector (#87265-33020), a crucial component in the Radiator & Water Outlet system, serves a primary role in ensuring efficient engine-fuel operations in your Toyota vehicle. This part facilitates the flow of coolant between the radiator and engine, thus maintaining optimal engine temperature during operation. It comprises of durable materials specifically designed for high heat resistance, and pairs seamlessly with other genuine Toyota Autoparts for optimal compatibility. As with all parts, the Water Hose Connector (#87265-33020) can degrade or become clogged over time, which may interfere with coolant flow and lead to engine overheating. Therefore, it is essential to replace this part periodically. Toyota backs all their genuine parts with a parts warranty to protect you from unforeseen issues. Keep in mind, proper functioning of this part significantly contributes to the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle's cooling system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 87265-33020

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