Cont Assembly-Fuel Pump

About this product

The Cont Assembly-Fuel Pump (#SU003-07505), a critical electrical part in Toyota's Electronic Fuel Injection System, is responsible for delivering fuel from the fuel tank to the engine in a precisely controlled manner. It manages the fuel pressure, ensuring the correct volume of fuel reaches the engine for optimized combustion, power, and fuel efficiency. This assembly can degrade over time, become clogged with debris, or break down, leading to inconsistent fuel flow or a complete breakdown, affecting vehicle performance and safety. Genuine parts, such as Toyota's Cont Assembly-Fuel Pump (#SU003-07505), are specifically designed to be compatible with your vehicle and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The part's role in managing fuel delivery directly contributes to the vehicle's overall efficiency and safety, making it an essential component in your vehicle. Regular replacement is key to maintaining optimal vehicle performance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) SU003-00426
Part Number SU003-07505

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