Blower Motor Control

About this product

The Blower Motor Control (#87165-22050) is a vital component in Toyota's Electrical Heating & Air Conditioning system, responsible for adjusting the speed of the blower motor to control the airflow in the vehicle's heating and cooling systems. It modulates the current sent to the blower motor based on the input from the vehicle's climate control system, adjusting the blower speed accordingly. Over time, if the Blower Motor Control (#87165-22050) becomes old, clogged, or damaged, it may fail to regulate the blower motor, affecting the system's ability to control cabin temperature. This can lead to discomfort in the vehicle and also put more strain on other components. Genuine Toyota parts, such as the Blower Motor Control (#87165-22050), not only offer compatibility with your vehicle but also come with the assurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. To maintain the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle's heating and cooling systems, periodic replacement of the Blower Motor Control (#87165-22050) is recommended.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 87165-22040
Part Number 87165-22050

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