Integration Control & Panel Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Integration Control & Panel Sub-Assembly (#84012-60560-B0), a key electrical component in the Switch & Relay & Computer system of Toyota vehicles, plays a crucial role in managing various vehicle operations. This part oversees the integration and control of multiple auto functions, enhancing both operational efficiency and safety. Components of this part work in tandem to facilitate seamless interplay of car functions. However, it's vital to replace this part periodically as it can wear down, become inefficient, or even fail, disrupting normal vehicle operation and potentially compromising safety. Genuine Toyota parts offer excellent compatibility with your vehicle and come with the backing of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In summary, the Integration Control & Panel Sub-Assembly (#84012-60560-B0) contributes significantly to the overall performance, efficiency, and safety of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 84012-60560-B0
Color Name Lt.Gray

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