Seat Heater Control Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Seat Heater Control Sub-Assembly (#87501-08020), an integral component of the Seat & Seat Track system, has the primary function of regulating the temperature of the seat in your Toyota vehicle. This auto part orchestrates the heater embedded within the seat, adjusting it based on your preference to provide optimum comfort. Genuine parts like this are crucial for maintaining vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's parts warranty. Like many vehicle components, the Seat Heater Control Sub-Assembly (#87501-08020) does not have an indefinite lifespan. Over time and with frequent use, it may become less responsive or even fail completely. A non-functional control assembly may lead to discomfort during your drive and could potentially compromise the heating system of the seat. To prevent these issues, it is essential to replace the part periodically. By ensuring a comfortable driving environment, the Seat Heater Control Sub-Assembly (#87501-08020) enhances your overall driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 87501-08020

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