Cv Valve Lift Controller Assembly

About this product

The Cv Valve Lift Controller Assembly (#222A0-37025), an integral part of Toyota's Engine-Fuel category, plays a crucial role in the Fuel Injection System. This high-precision part controls the lift of the engine valves, impacting fuel economy and performance. This is achieved by controlling the air-fuel mixture entering each cylinder, optimizing combustion efficiency. Like all parts, it requires periodic replacement as wear, dirt, or damage can impair its function. A non-functional Cv Valve Lift Controller Assembly (#222A0-37025) can lead to suboptimal fuel injection, which could affect engine performance and fuel consumption. Genuine Toyota parts ensure vehicle compatibility and are supported by Toyota’s genuine parts warranty. Replacing this part as needed contributes to maintaining the engine's optimal efficiency and safety. Remember, only genuine Toyota parts can provide the assurance of peak performance and longevity.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 222A0-37021;222A0-37024;222A0-37018;222A0-37019;222A0-37022;222A0-37023;222A0-37020
Part Number 222A0-37025

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