Cooler & Accessory Assembly

About this product

The Cooler & Accessory Assembly (#88300-0C090) is a key component in the Heating & Air Conditioning - Cooler Piping system of your vehicle. This electrical part plays a crucial role in maintaining the right temperature within your vehicle by regulating the flow and temperature of coolant. Within its system, it operates by coordinating with various components like the coolant pump and the temperature sensors. Over time, this part can become ineffective due to wear and tear, clogging, or breakage. When this happens, the efficiency of your vehicle's cooling system may be compromised, potentially leading to overheating and subsequent damage. Therefore, using genuine Toyota auto parts, which are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, can help maintain compatibility and optimal performance of your vehicle. In conclusion, the Cooler & Accessory Assembly (#88300-0C090) not only aids in maintaining a comfortable temperature within your vehicle but also protects the engine from overheating. It is, therefore, vital for the overall safety and performance of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 88300-0C090

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