Cord Assembly

About this product

The Cord Assembly (#81935-0R010), an integral electrical part of the Center Stop Lamp system, plays a crucial role in transmitting electrical currents to power the brake lights. As the driver brakes, the cord assembly is engaged, sending a signal to the brake lights to illuminate, which alerts the drivers behind of the slowing or stopping action. This part must be regularly replaced as it ages, or its function can deteriorate, leading to faulty or non-existent brake light signals, which can create safety issues. Genuine Toyota parts ensure vehicle compatibility and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Cord Assembly (#81935-0R010) maintains the efficiency of the brake light system and is paramount to safety, helping to prevent rear-end collisions by communicating the driver's intentions to those behind.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 81935-0R010

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