Cord Assembly Auxiliary Uhl

About this product

The Cord Assembly Auxiliary Uhl (#SU003-09648) is a crucial component within the Radio Receiver & Amplifier & Condenser system of a Toyota vehicle, playing an integral role in the function of the electrical system. This genuine Toyota Autoparts product facilitates the transmission of electrical signals within the system, powering up and ensuring the smooth operation of the radio and amplifier. Over time, wear and tear can compromise the Cord Assembly Auxiliary Uhl (#SU003-09648)'s effectiveness. If left unchecked, a faulty cord can disrupt signal transmission, leading to issues such as poor sound quality or even complete radio failure. Regular replacement of this part is highly recommended to maintain optimal functionality of your vehicle's entertainment system. The Cord Assembly Auxiliary Uhl (#SU003-09648) is covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty and contributes to the overall efficiency of the system it belongs to. Install genuine Toyota parts to maintain vehicle compatibility and performance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-09648

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