Optical Fiber Cord

About this product

The Optical Fiber Cord (#81944-WAA05), a key auto part in the Wiring & Clamp system of a vehicle, plays a vital role in the transmission of digital data. By transmitting light signals, it enables quick and efficient communication among various components of the car. This genuine Toyota part, supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, is critical for ensuring vehicle compatibility and smooth operation. Over time, due to wear and tear, the cord can become damaged or less effective. A non-functional or broken cord can disrupt the vehicle's communication system, lead to inefficiencies, and potentially compromise the safety of the vehicle. Therefore, periodic replacement of the Optical Fiber Cord (#81944-WAA05) is necessary. By facilitating seamless communication between auto parts, the Optical Fiber Cord (#81944-WAA05) contributes significantly to the overall efficiency and safety of the vehicle's systems.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 81944-WAA05

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