Spark Plug Resistive Cord Set with Holder

About this product

As a crucial component of the Ignition Coil & Spark Plug system, the Spark Plug Resistive Cord Set with Holder (#19037-62050), a Toyota Autoparts Engine-Fuel part, has a significant role in your vehicle's operation. This part is responsible for conveying precise electrical signals from the ignition coil to the spark plugs, permitting ignition in the combustion chamber. With time, the resistive cord may deteriorate or break, potentially leading to misfires, decreased fuel efficiency, or engine damage. Hence, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts, which are specifically designed for compatibility with your vehicle, is essential. Remember, all genuine Toyota parts come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Furthermore, this auto part not only ensures engine efficiency but also bolsters vehicle safety, making it an indispensable unit of your car's ignition system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 19037-62010
Part Number 19037-62050

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