Navigation Antenna Cord Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Navigation Antenna Cord Sub-Assembly (#86808-02070), a critical component in the Navigation & Front Monitor Display system, facilitates the reception of GPS signals, allowing the navigation system to function effectively. This electrical part works by transmitting signals from the antenna to the navigation system, providing location data for accurate navigation. Over time, this part can deteriorate, leading to a reduction in signal strength or complete failure, causing inaccurate or non-existent navigation data, and impairing the functionality of the system. Hence, periodic replacement is important for maintaining optimal system performance. Genuine parts, such as this one, are highly recommended for ensured compatibility with your vehicle. Toyota backs these parts with their genuine parts warranty, adding another layer of confidence in their quality. In essence, the Navigation Antenna Cord Sub-Assembly (#86808-02070) contributes significantly to the efficiency of the navigation system, facilitating safe, accurate travel by providing precise location data.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 86808-02070

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