Air Hole Cover

About this product

The Air Hole Cover (#71741-0E010-C0), a critical body part in the Mat & Carpet system, plays a primary role in enabling ventilation and preventing debris from entering the vehicle. As the system operates, the Air Hole Cover (#71741-0E010-C0) acts as a barrier, safeguarding interior components from external elements while maintaining optimal airflow. It is crucial to periodically replace this part, as old, clogged, or broken Air Hole Cover (#71741-0E010-C0)s can compromise the system's function and diminish overall vehicle performance. Genuine Toyota Autoparts, like the Air Hole Cover (#71741-0E010-C0), are essential for vehicle compatibility and are covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. A properly functioning Air Hole Cover (#71741-0E010-C0) not only enhances system efficiency but also contributes to the safety and comfort of the vehicle, creating a clean and comfortable driving environment.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 71741-48010-B0;71741-48010-B1;71741-48010-E0
Part Number 71741-0E010-C0
Color Name Black

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