Cover Assembly St Cmr

About this product

The Cover Assembly St Cmr (#SU003-11299) is an essential auto part in the Interior Lamp system. This electrical component plays a crucial role in protecting the interior lighting mechanisms. As part of its function, the Cover Assembly St Cmr (#SU003-11299) houses and shields the lamp's electrical connections, preventing any external damage or shorting. Over time, the cover may become worn or damaged and require replacement. Failing to replace a broken or non-functional cover could expose the lamp system to damage and compromise the vehicle's interior lighting. Genuine Toyota parts like the Cover Assembly St Cmr (#SU003-11299) are designed with excellent compatibility with your vehicle. Moreover, these parts are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, offering peace of mind. The proper functioning of this part contributes to the overall safety and efficiency of the vehicle, ensuring a well-lit interior that aids visibility and comfort for driver and passengers alike.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) SU003-09676
Part Number SU003-11299

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