Auto Clock Hole Cover

About this product

The Toyota Auto Clock Hole Cover (#55533-35030) is a key body part situated within the Instrument Panel & Glove Compartment system. This component serves a crucial role by concealing the cavity used to house the vehicle’s auto clock. The cover maintains an appealing aesthetic and protects any interior mechanisms. Genuine parts like this ensure optimal compatibility with your Toyota vehicle and come backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, the Auto Clock Hole Cover (#55533-35030) may become worn, dislodged, or broken due to regular wear and tear. A damaged or missing cover can expose the clock's mechanisms to dust and debris, possibly causing malfunction. Regular replacements keep the instrument panel looking sleek and functioning correctly. The Auto Clock Hole Cover (#55533-35030) is vital in maintaining the overall appearance and efficiency of your car’s interior, enhancing your driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 55533-35030

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