Back Door Glass Channel Cover

About this product

The Back Door Glass Channel Cover (#69968-0C010), a crucial part in Toyota Autoparts' Roof Panel & Back Panel system, plays a key role in protecting the back door glass. This body part works by covering the window channel, shielding it from debris, and safeguarding the window glass from potential damage. This function is critical to the smooth operation of the window and door mechanisms. Over time, the cover may become aged or clogged, compromising its protective role. If left unaddress ensure the glass could be exposed to damaging elements, or the window mechanism could malfunction. Timely replacement of this genuine part is imperative for maintaining the efficiency and safety of the vehicle. Genuine parts, like this one, carry Toyota's authentic parts warranty and are designed for compatibility with your vehicle. The Back Door Glass Channel Cover (#69968-0C010) thus considerably contributes to the vehicle's overall safety and operational performance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 69968-0C010

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