Cover Bumper Lower Cp

About this product

The Cover Bumper Lower Cp (#SU003-09268), a critical body part in the Front Bumper & Bumper Stay system, primarily functions as a protective shield for the front of the vehicle. This part absorbs the impact in case of a head-on collision, helping to prevent or minimize damage to the car's engine and other critical components. Genuine Toyota Cover Bumper Lower Cp (#SU003-09268) parts offer superior compatibility with your vehicle and come backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Just like any auto part, the Cover Bumper Lower Cp (#SU003-09268) may require periodic replacement due to damage or wear. If left broken or non-functional, this could compromise the safety of your vehicle and passengers by not providing the necessary impact absorption in a collision. Keeping this part in optimum condition is vital to maintaining the overall effectiveness and safety of your vehicle's front bumper system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-09268

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