Child Restraint Seat Base Cover

About this product

The Child Restraint Seat Base Cover (#73733-76010-C0), a crucial Body part in the Rear Seat & Seat Track system, elevates the safety of young passengers in a Toyota vehicle. As a part of the child seat assembly, it provides a secure and stable base for the child seat to latch onto, holding it firmly in place during motion. Toyota's genuine Child Restraint Seat Base Cover (#73733-76010-C0) is a perfect fit for vehicle compatibility and comes with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. As it ages, this cover could become brittle or damaged, potentially compromising the stability of the child restraint seat and posing a safety risk. Regular inspection and replacement of this part are therefore paramount. The Child Restraint Seat Base Cover (#73733-76010-C0) contributes significantly to the safety of the seating system, thereby providing a safe and secure travel experience for young passengers.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 73733-76010-C0
Color Name Black

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