Choke Knob Hole Cover

About this product

As a critical component of the Instrument Panel & Glove Compartment system, the Choke Knob Hole Cover (#55531-89105-02) plays a vital role in ensuring the smooth operation of your Toyota vehicle. By covering the hole in which the choke knob is located, it prevents debris and dust from entering the system, thereby maintaining the knob's smooth functioning. Without a properly functioning Choke Knob Hole Cover (#55531-89105-02), debris may enter the system, potentially causing the choke knob to stick or malfunction. This could impact the performance of the vehicle, leading to less efficient operation and potentially more serious mechanical issues. Using genuine Toyota Autoparts, including the Choke Knob Hole Cover (#55531-89105-02), provides optimal compatibility with your vehicle and is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This provides peace of mind that your vehicle is equipped with the best parts, designed specifically for its needs. In conclusion, the Choke Knob Hole Cover (#55531-89105-02) is a small but important part that contributes significantly to the overall performance and safety of your Toyota vehicle. Regular replacement of this part will help maintain the vehicle's optimal operation.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 55531-89105-02
Color Name Red

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