Cigar Lighter Hole Cover

About this product

The Cigar Lighter Hole Cover (#55532-06010), a crucial component within the Console Box & Bracket system, is designed to protect the cigar lighter slot from dust, debris, or any other foreign materials when not in use. This Body part helps maintain the integrity and functionality of the cigar lighter over time. Without regular replacements, the Cigar Lighter Hole Cover (#55532-06010) may become worn out, resulting in an exposed lighter hole that could accumulate debris, thus interfering with the functionality of the lighter. Genuine Toyota Autoparts are compatible with your vehicle and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In ensuring the efficient operation of the console box system, the Cigar Lighter Hole Cover (#55532-06010) contributes to the overall safety and convenience of the vehicle's interior.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 55532-06010

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