Cigarette Lighter Cover

About this product

The Cigarette Lighter Cover (#85513-28020), a vital component in the Switch & Relay & Computer system of your Toyota vehicle, primarily acts as a shield for the cigarette lighter socket when not in use. This auto part aids in preventing the entry of dust particles and other foreign objects into the lighter socket. It's essential to replace this part periodically as it can become brittle or damaged over time, potentially exposing the socket to unwanted debris. A non-functional Cigarette Lighter Cover (#85513-28020) may lead to faulty electrical connections, interfering with the overall efficiency of the system it belongs to. Toyota genuine parts like the Cigarette Lighter Cover (#85513-28020) not only ensure compatibility with your vehicle but are also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This part plays a fundamental role in maintaining the safety and effectiveness of your car's electrical system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 85513-28020

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