Clutch Housing Cover

About this product

The Clutch Housing Cover (#31121-36060), a crucial Drive-Chassis component in Toyota's Manual Transmission system, serves a primary role in protecting the clutch housing and the transmission case. Operating in a demanding environment, it shields these vital elements from debris, dust and other potential damage. Using genuine Toyota parts like the Clutch Housing Cover (#31121-36060) enhances vehicle compatibility and they're backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Just like any other vehicle part, the Clutch Housing Cover (#31121-36060) requires periodic replacement. An old, broken, or non-functional cover can expose the transmission case and the clutch housing to harmful elements, leading to their premature wear or severe damage. With a fully functional Clutch Housing Cover (#31121-36060), the longevity of the entire transmission system is improved, contributing to the vehicle's overall efficiency, performance, and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 31121-36060

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