Combination Meter Cover #2

About this product

The Combination Meter Cover #2 (#83822-47F30), an essential Electric part in the Meter system of your Toyota vehicle, plays a crucial role in the protection and longevity of your car's instruments. This cover, specifically designed for your vehicle, safeguards your car's multifunction display which provides vital information like speed, fuel level, and engine temperature. As with all parts, the Combination Meter Cover #2 (#83822-47F30) may age or become damaged over time. Replacement with genuine Toyota parts is recommended for optimal compatibility with your vehicle's system. Genuine Toyota parts also come with the assurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. If the Combination Meter Cover #2 (#83822-47F30) is compromised, this could lead to the exposure of delicate instruments to dust, moisture, and potential impact damage. By keeping these instruments secure and functional, this cover contributes greatly to the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 83822-47F30

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