Connector Cover

About this product

The Connector Cover (#82821-12150), a crucial component in Toyota's Electrical Battery & Battery Cable and Electrical Wiring & Clamp systems, serves a primary role in protecting the electrical connections from external factors, such as dust, debris, and moisture. This auto part functions by enclosing the connector completely, providing a physical barrier against potential damage. Over time, these Connector Cover (#82821-12150)s can become worn or broken, impairing their protective function. When this occurs, it is crucial to replace them with genuine Toyota parts to maintain vehicle compatibility. Toyota backs all of their genuine parts with a warranty. Without a functional Connector Cover (#82821-12150), the electrical connections they protect could be compromised, leading to system malfunctions or even safety hazards. Hence, by maintaining the integrity of the electrical system, the Connector Cover (#82821-12150) significantly contributes to the overall efficiency and safety of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 82821-12150

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