Connector Cover

About this product

The Connector Cover (#82821-47240), an essential auto part in the Drive-Chassis Transaxle Assy system, primarily serves as a protective shield for the electrical connections within these systems. It operates by safeguarding the connectors from dust, debris, vibration, and moisture, which could potentially impair the transmission function. Genuine Toyota parts, like the Connector Cover (#82821-47240), are recommended for optimal compatibility with your vehicle, and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Neglecting to periodically replace this part could lead to connectivity issues or damage to the connectors due to the above-mentioned factors. Consequently, this can lead to impaired driving performance and potentially compromise the safety of the vehicle. In sum, the Connector Cover (#82821-47240) is a vital component in maintaining the efficiency and safety of the Drive-Chassis Transaxle Assy system, ensuring the longevity and reliable performance of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 82821-47240

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