Cooler Cover #1

About this product

The Cooler Cover #1 (#88891-60110), a critical component in the Heating & Air Conditioning - Cooler Piping system of your vehicle, plays a pivotal role in maintaining the electrical stability of the system. This auto part shields the cooler from external factors, aiding in its proper functioning while prolonging its life. As an authentic Toyota part, the Cooler Cover #1 (#88891-60110) is designed for perfect compatibility with your vehicle and is reinforced by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. However, like all auto parts, the Cooler Cover #1 (#88891-60110) needs periodic replacement. If it becomes old, broken, or non-functional, it could negatively affect the cooling efficiency, potentially leading to system overheating and damage. In conclusion, a well-maintained Cooler Cover #1 (#88891-60110) is vital for the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle's cooling system, contributing notably to your car's performance and longevity.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 88891-60110

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