Cooler Cover #1

About this product

The Cooler Cover #1 (#88891-74030), a crucial part of Toyota's Heating & Air Conditioning - Compressor system, serves a vital role in protecting the cooler unit from debris and damage. As an authentic Toyota part, it is designed for a perfect fit and performance within the vehicle, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Cooler Cover #1 (#88891-74030) acts as a shield for the cooler, ensuring the effective and efficient operation of the heating and cooling system. However, like any component, it can age, become clogged or damaged, necessitating replacement. Failure to replace a worn-out Cooler Cover #1 (#88891-74030) can lead to the cooler unit's exposure to harmful debris, potentially impairing its function and damaging the entire system. By maintaining the integrity of the cooling system, the Cooler Cover #1 (#88891-74030) contributes significantly to the overall efficiency of the vehicle, providing a comfortable and safe driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 88891-74030

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