Cruise Control Actuator Cover

About this product

The Cruise Control Actuator Cover (#88212-20071), a crucial item within Toyota's Auto Drive system, serves as a protective barrier for the cruise control actuator. This cover, an electrical component, safeguards the actuator from external elements while facilitating efficient operation of the cruise control system. Genuine parts from Toyota, like this cover, offer ideal compatibility and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Cruise Control Actuator Cover (#88212-20071), like all parts, can wear down over time. If the cover becomes damaged or non-functional, foreign elements may penetrate the actuator, impairing its performance and possibly leading to cruise control failure. Maintaining a functional Cruise Control Actuator Cover (#88212-20071) is essential for ensuring the overall efficiency of the vehicle's auto drive system and, consequently, the safety of the car's occupants. Regular replacements help prevent problems and keep your cruise control system operating smoothly.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 88212-20071

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