Ctr Stop Lamp Cover

About this product

The Ctr Stop Lamp Cover (#81977-13020-E0), a critical component in the Center Stop Lamp system, sits as a guard for the stop lamp. Its primary function is to protect the lamp from physical damage or interference and to diffuse light for better visibility. Comprising mainly of high-grade plastic or glass, the cover withstands harsh weather conditions and extreme temperatures while maintaining the integrity of the stop lamp. Genuine parts like this cover from Toyota are crucial for vehicle compatibility and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. With time, the Ctr Stop Lamp Cover (#81977-13020-E0) may deteriorate, become cloudy or break, reducing the visibility of the stop lamp, and thus, posing a safety risk. Replacing it periodically is vital to maintain the optimum performance of the braking system and the overall safety of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 81977-13020-E0
Color Name Oak

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