Cup Holder Hole Cover

About this product

The Cup Holder Hole Cover (#55619-60010) is a crucial component located within the Instrument Panel & Glove Compartment system of your Toyota vehicle. This body part is designed to seamlessly cover the cup holder when not in use, maintaining the interior aesthetics and cleanliness of your car. The cover also protects the cup holder from accumulating dust and debris, which could otherwise affect the functionality of the cup holders. Over time, this part can wear down due to regular use, potentially becoming loose, cracked, or non-functional. It is therefore necessary to periodically check and replace it with Toyota genuine parts to maintain compatibility with your vehicle. Remember, all Toyota genuine parts come with Toyota's parts warranty, providing you peace of mind with your purchase. By maintaining the functionality of the Cup Holder Hole Cover (#55619-60010), you help preserve the overall condition and efficiency of the interior of your car, ensuring that your vehicle remains clean, organized, and user-friendly.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 55619-60010

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