Deck Trim Side Washer Cover

About this product

The Deck Trim Side Washer Cover (#64739-32010-03), a key component in the Deck Board & Deck Trim Cover system, plays an integral role in maintaining the structural integrity of the vehicle. This cover safeguards the washer, a crucial component that helps maintain the alignment and tension of the deck trim. As with any auto part, it's essential that this cover is replaced periodically. An old or damaged Deck Trim Side Washer Cover (#64739-32010-03) may compromise the washer's function, leading to loose or misaligned deck trim. By choosing genuine Toyota parts, you are not only ensuring compatibility with your vehicle but also benefiting from Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Genuine parts are designed to fit and function perfectly, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle. The Deck Trim Side Washer Cover (#64739-32010-03), therefore, plays a vital role in the vehicle, helping to maintain the proper function and safety of the deck trim system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 64739-32010-03

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