Engine Under Cover Ctr

About this product

The Engine Under Cover Ctr (#51451-02080), a key component in Toyota's Front Bumper & Bumper Stay system, plays a vital role in protecting the engine from road debris and hazards. Installed under the engine compartment, it shields sensitive parts from dirt, water, and stones kicked up during driving, offering a layer of added security. Genuine Toyota parts, such as this, are recommended for optimal compatibility with your vehicle, and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. If the Engine Under Cover Ctr (#51451-02080) becomes aged, damaged, or non-functional, it could expose the engine to harmful elements, potentially leading to costly repairs. Periodic replacement ensures continued protection and safe operation of the vehicle. Thus, the Engine Under Cover Ctr (#51451-02080) contributes significantly to the system's overall efficiency and the vehicle's safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 51451-02080

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