Flywheel Housing Under Cover

About this product

The Flywheel Housing Under Cover (#11361-20011), a crucial part of the Engine-Fuel Cylinder Block and Timing Gear Cover & Rear End Plate systems in Toyota vehicles, performs an essential role while the engine is running. This component provides protection to the flywheel and the clutch system from dirt, dust, and other debris, maintaining their performance and longevity. As this part can wear out or get damaged over time, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts is necessary. Failure to replace a worn or broken Flywheel Housing Under Cover (#11361-20011) can lead to increased exposure of sensitive parts to harmful elements, potentially damaging the engine or the clutch system. Genuine Toyota parts offer compatibility that is second to none, and they are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. By safeguarding crucial engine components, the Flywheel Housing Under Cover (#11361-20011) contributes significantly to the vehicle's overall efficiency and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 11361-0A010;11361-20010
Part Number 11361-20011

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